Submit a tip

Every tip submitted to Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound is completely anonymous.

Every tip submitted to Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound is completely anonymous. No personal information, identity, phone number, email, IP address, or location is ever requested, saved, traced, tracked, or monitored. Our tip line does NOT have caller ID. Communication with us is through an encrypted dialog. When logging into, you’ll use the tip ID number and password that you were assigned when you first submitted your tip. A reward of up to $1,000 can be collected anonymously if the information you provide leads to an arrest and charges. Submit your tip using one of the methods below, or learn more about how it works.


Submit your tip online at Follow up on your tips here using the tip ID and password assigned to you when you first submitted the tip.


Submit your tip by calling
(800) 222-TIPS (8477).


Submit your tip on the CS Tips app for Apple and Android.

Support Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound
